Skull by Robert A. Di Ieso from the Noun Project


The most common causes of death around the globe, created from the
UN population data. Points height denote the death count.

100 people counted

Mortality Distribution:


Nearly 72% of the deaths around the world are caused by diseases which are not age-related. Most commonly Cardiovascular, Infectious and Artery diseases.

Living Conditions

Living conditions constitute the second-highest rated deaths with 19% of total mortalities. Those include malnutrition, unsanitary habitats and insufficient cloths or water.

Accidents & Disasters

Mostly caused by natural disasters and motor vehicle mishaps, these incidents are ammounting to 5% of total deaths.

Mental Health

Although not a leading cause, mental health stands for 3% of mortalities world-wide. Usually due to depression, suicide and mental and physical degradation.


Most suprisingly and against common thought, following last with only 2% of deaths is violence, which includes both domestic, foreign and terror incidents.
